Work With Jenna

You Deserve to Feel Your Best, & We’re Here to Help

Are you experiencing weight gain, thyroid issues, mood changes, fatigue, brain fog, low libido, sleep disturbances, PMS, painful periods, infertility, postpartum depletion, or digestive concerns like IBS, heartburn, bloating, and constipation?

At Jenna Johnston Functional Nutrition, we understand how these issues can significantly impact your life and well-being. We believe that your symptoms are real and deserve to be addressed with care and expertise.

We Take a Comprehensive & Personalized Approach to Your Health

We know that every individual is unique, and so are their health challenges. That’s why we focus on identifying and addressing the root causes of your symptoms, rather than just treating the symptoms themselves. Our method combines the best of herbal medicine and functional nutrition to create a customized plan tailored specifically to your needs.

Our Process:

  1. In-Depth Consultation: We’ll start with a thorough consultation to understand your health history, current symptoms, and lifestyle. This helps us gain a complete picture of your health.
  2. Personalized Health Plan: Based on your consultation, we’ll develop a tailored health plan that includes dietary recommendations, herbal supplements, and lifestyle changes aimed at restoring balance and promoting optimal health.

    We’ll also discuss any recommended lab tests and functional testing that can amplify your results and get a clearer picture of what’s at the root of your health concerns.
  3. Ongoing Support: We provide continuous support and adjustments to your plan as needed, ensuring that you stay on track and make sustainable progress toward your health goals.

Our Goal is to Empower You With the Knowledge & Tools to Take Control of Your Health & Transform Your Life Naturally

With our personalized care and dedicated support, you can overcome your health challenges and enjoy a vibrant, balanced life.

Ready to take the first step towards better health? Schedule your consultation today and start your journey to wellness.


1:1 Personalized Nutrition Consulting

This option is for individuals who are looking for a functional nutrition and herbal medicine approach to improving their health and reaching their health goals.

Want to see if 1:1 Personalized Nutrition Consulting is right for you?

Schedule a FREE 15-minute Discovery Call to learn more