Jenna Johnston Functional Nutrition

Break Free from Postpartum Depression & Anxiety

A 12-Week Personalized 1:1 Functional Nutrition Program to Improve Mood and Well-Being

Are you ready to start feeling like yourself again and break free from the cycle of low and anxious moods using natural solutions?

As a mom, I understand the challenges and frustrations that come with postpartum depression and anxiety. I also understand the desire to find natural ways to support mental health and avoid relying on medications. 

That’s why I’ve created the Break Free from Postpartum Depression & Anxiety program specifically with you in mind. This program is designed to help you break free from the negative mood cycle you’ve been stuck in and start feeling like yourself again!

The Break Free from Postpartum Depression & Anxiety program is a personalized, 1:1 Functional Nutrition program that addresses the root cause of postpartum depression and anxiety. In the program, we focus on incorporating specific dietary patterns, functional foods and herbs, essential supplements, and lifestyle changes to support proper neurotransmitter function, gut health, hormone balance, and overall nutrient status- which are all essential for emotional stability. 

I’m dedicated to providing the personalized support and guidance you need to experience a transformation in your mood, energy levels, and overall well-being. Let’s work together to help you break free from postpartum depression and anxiety and take control of your mental health.

Program Details

Phase 1: Assessment and Plan Creation

Initial Consultation: After you have completed your intake forms, we will meet for an Initial Consultation via a video chat on Practice Better to review your health history, current symptoms, current dietary habits, lifestyle, and goals for working with me. 

Creating Your Personalized Plan: Following this, I will take all the information I’ve collected from your intake forms and our appointment and I will create a Personalized Plan that will help to address the underlying causes of your postpartum depression and anxiety.

This Personalize Plan will include recommendations for optimal dietary patterns, functional foods and herbs, essential supplements, and beneficial lifestyle adjustments such as techniques for stress management, movement, and/or improving sleep quality.

I’ll provide any necessary handouts or resources in your plan to help make it as easy as possible to understand and implement.

Phase 2: Review Your Plan & Set Action Goals

Initial Follow-up Consultation: One week after the Initial Consultation, we will meet virtually to review the plan I created for you. We will go through it together piece by piece to ensure it makes sense and so I can answer any questions you may have. 

Set Action Goals: To help you meet your health goals, we choose specific action goals for you to focus on over the next couple of weeks until our next follow-up appointment. Taking baby steps can help make changes more sustainable.

Phase 3: Implementing Your Plan

Time to Take Action!: Starting on week 2, you will have your plan and your action goals set so you will be ready to take action and begin implementing your personalized recommendations. 

Phase 4: Continual Support & Monitoring

Regular Check-ins: We will have regular check-ins to monitor your progress with the plan to provide accountability and ensure the program is continuously tailored to your needs and goals.

Make Adjustments When Needed: We will make adjustments to the program as needed to support continued progress.

Ongoing Support: You will receive ongoing support and guidance to help you maintain your positive outcomes and continue to feel more like yourself. This includes the ability to message me via the Practice Better chat between sessions if any questions come up.

It’s time to finally experience more uplifted, stable, and calm moods, for good!

As a Certified Nutrition Specialist®, I’m passionate about helping postpartum mothers find safe and effective natural solutions to postpartum depression and anxiety that can be used on their own or in combination with medications. I’ve seen first-hand the incredible transformation that can be achieved through dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and a personalized nutrition program that addresses the root causes of these conditions. 

By following the program, you can expect to see improvements in your mood, energy levels, and overall well-being. You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of how to support your body’s natural ability to regulate mood, which will empower you to continue to play an active role in nurturing your mental health.

If you’re ready to break free from your low and anxious mood cycle and experience more uplifted, stable, and calm moods so you can start feeling like yourself again, I invite you to join my program today by clicking the link below to book your initial consultation and get started on your journey to a brighter, more resilient future.

Want to see if 1:1 Personalized Nutrition Consulting is right for you?

Schedule a FREE 15-minute Discovery Call to learn more