Jenna Johnston Functional Nutrition

Gut Health

Welcome to the “Gut Health” blog category, where we cover topics related to supporting healthy digestive function and gut health. Whether you’ve been experiencing digestive issues like bloating, IBS, constipation, diarrhea, or heartburn for years, or if it’s a new concern, you’ll learn about effective solutions for overcoming these uncomfortable symptoms. Discover how to support proper gut motility, microbiome health, and gut-healing strategies for long-lasting relief. Learn about the critical role your digestive system plays beyond just processing food – it’s integral to your immune health, mood, energy levels, skin health, and hormone balance. We take a holistic approach, integrating functional nutrition, herbal medicine, and lifestyle adjustments to address the root causes of your digestive issues. Explore our expert insights and find natural ways to restore balance to your gut, enhance your overall well-being, and feel your best every day.

  • Postpartum Candida Overgrowth: Causes & Natural Solutions for a Common Concern
    Candida overgrowth has become a common health concern and I’ve seen it over and over again in my patients struggling with chronic symptoms during the postpartum years and beyond. The likely reason for this is that pregnancy and the postpartum period can increase the risk of candida overgrowth due to several factors. And if the …
  • Leaky Gut & Depression: Is There a Link Between Them?
    When we think about the cause of depression we often only think about an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. However, new research is beginning to uncover a whole-body connection to depression and gut health may be one of the most important connections.  More specifically, research has found a link between increased intestinal permeability (i.e. …